Friday, February 11, 2011

Finding time to paint

As I have a full time job as a secondary school teacher it is always a big challenge to find the time and space to paint. It is so easy to let time slip by and find blank canvasses lying unused or a sketched out scene waiting on the easel for weeks to be tackled.
I cannot explain why this is because as soon as I start painitng I get totally absorbed with the subject and time flies by. I get great enjoyment, fulfilment and pleasure from the process of painting and seeing the completed work.
Of course this does not just apply to painting but so many other day to day things that could or should be done but somehow remain untouched for weeks, even months at times. I don't mind do the day to day things that need attention around a home and I get quite absorbed in them once I start but they do not give me the enjoyment or pleasure of painting and yet I have a sketched scene sitting accusingly on the easel waiting to be brought to life.
I have every intention to get started on it soon and it will be interesting to see how the paint flows for me and how the brush strokes work as it is not possible to predict the end result because mood and attitude hugely affect my painting. I look forward to posting the completed work soon.     

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