Monday, August 1, 2011

Gifting artwork to friends and relations

It is very tricky and difficult to know whether giving a painting as a gift to a friend or relation is suitable. I suppose that it depends on the occasion, the person and the type of painting that is given. 
In recent days on 2 different occasions I've given paintings to a friend and a relation as a meaningful gesture of friendship and support. As the artist I have a real sense that I am trying to do some meaningful and personal but I find it difficuly to guage whether I have hit the right note or not. In the case of my relation I got the sense that they were flattered, enjoyed and appreciated the gift but in the case of the friend I came away not sure if I had done the right thing or not. 
In any case it was well intentioned and I'm happy that I made the effort. As an artist I feel that any time I put a piece of art before a person to accept, buy, value or appreciate I am exposing an inner side of myself and it creates a vulnerability that would not arise otherwise. It takes a certain courage and confidence to do it but at the same time it creates opportunities for enjoyment and to make connections with people. 

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